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Updated: Apr 23

According to experts from the UK Department of Health, as reported by the Daily Mail, consuming the traditional British dish of fish and chips (fish fillet with potato slices) more frequently reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 15% and cancer by almost 42%.

Since fish is a rich source of protein and beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, its consumption supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, and aids in weight management. Another component of this dish, potatoes, contains indigestible dietary fibers that are processed by beneficial intestinal bacteria.

In addition to the benefits of fish consumption for British individuals, it is worth noting the dietary habits of Southeast Asian countries, where dishes featuring wild fish are also becoming increasingly popular.

Countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia have a rich culinary tradition that heavily relies on fish as a primary source of protein. This includes a wide variety of dishes such as grilled fish, fish curry, and fish soups, among others. These cuisines often incorporate a diverse range of herbs, spices, and vegetables, creating flavorful and nutritious meals.

The inclusion of wild fish in the diets of Southeast Asian populations provides them with essential nutrients and contributes to their overall health. As fish is a lean source of protein and contains omega-3 fatty acids, it supports muscle growth, brain health, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, the consumption of wild fish in Southeast Asia is often complemented with other wholesome ingredients such as rice, vegetables, and fruits. This balanced approach to nutrition ensures a well-rounded and diverse diet, promoting good health and well-being.

As people around the world continue to discover the benefits of incorporating fish into their diets, both the British love for fish and chips and the traditional Southeast Asian cuisine reflect a growing recognition of the advantages that wild fish can provide for our overall health and nutritional needs.

So, What really set sockeye salmon apart from the rest?


There are five main types of salmon; thankfully, each species of salmon benefits our health and wellbeing. Wild Fish Delights sells all five species of wild-caught salmon: king, sockeye, coho, chum, pink. Sockeye is the most abundant in the pristine waters of the Pacific - and has the health benefits to match. You may have also heard this fish referred to as “red salmon.” The high levels of Omega-3’s present in wild-caught sockeye salmon explain why fish, and particularly salmon, is known as a “brain food.” Research shows that consuming fish with high levels of Omega-3s, such as sockeye salmon, may even stave off depression. Omega-3 fatty acids are also the nutrients that support good heart health, and sockeye salmon is full of them. More specifically, the high levels of Omega-3s found in sockeye salmon defend against coronary heart disease by decreasing blood vessel inflammation and supporting the overall vascular system. All types of salmon are high in protein, but it’s the sockeye that packs the most punch.

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